About Us

We are an education charity that believes a better world depends on equipping young people with the skills and confidence to drive change.

Unlocking remarkable possibilities with integrative thinking for over a decade 

Roger Martin, Chair of our Board of Directors, identified a problem solving methodology called Integrative Thinking while at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto. Integrative Thinking was used at the university by students and adults to tackle real-world problems. Learn more about Integrative Thinking and applying it to your practice here. 

We saw the success of Integrative Thinking for business leaders and university students and began thinking about how it would be transformative for younger classrooms, for both the students and teachers.

The Team 

Along the way we have made incredible connections and grown from a team of two (with the help of many educators along the way) to a team of twelve, building a team with a shared vision and most importantly, as with Integrative Thinking, different perspectives.

Interested In Joining Our Team? Check to see if we have any positions available.

For over a decade, we have been shifting the education system through our work by:

Developing the skills, tools and confidence to tackle meaningful, real-world problems in young people 

Collaborating with educators to transform schools and classrooms into experimental learning hubs

Amplifying young people’s voices heard and considered in addressing real-world problems

Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship Framework

Through experience in developing the Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship (ICE) framework in Ontario, defining well–being and working with school boards across Ontario, we have developed a replicable Real-World Problem Solving Journey based on Integrative Thinking that is fundamental to our Challenge Kits. 

Our Role

Research shows that fostering agency in young people is a powerful mechanism for change and transformation and for the ability to build our collective capacity to face global challenges. Young people care deeply about the world around them, and as much as the world is happening to them, it is their resilience and ingenuity that is building a hopeful future. Our job is to listen and get out of the way by giving them the tools to go from problem to innovative recommendations. We work to create Challenge Kits that reflect the real-world problems young people care about so they have the confidence and skills to make the remarkable possible. 

I-Think is an education charity that believes a better world depends upon equipping young people with the skills and confidence to drive change.

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Registered Canadian Charitable Organization number: 74310-5512 RR0001

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