Our People

Along the way we have made incredible connections and grown from a team of two (with the help of many educators along the way to a team of twelve – with shared vision and most importantly, as with Integrative Thinking, different perspectives.   

Meet Our Team

We have retired educators and system leaders, active educators, recent graduates, artists, business owners, pineapple- on- pizza- lovers, and more on the team – that all help us contribute to unlocking remarkable possibilities.

Josie Fung 
Co-Executive Director
Nogah Kornberg 
Co-Executive Director
Shelly Campbell
Partnerships and Communications Coordinator
Margaryta Ignatenko
Challenge Kit Activator
Emily Kemp
Program Coordinator & Administrative Support
Alice Yin
Junior Graphic Designer


Our advisors help us navigate and serve the education system, with extensive experience  across multiple levels of the system.

Mike Gallagher
Leadership Advisor & Coach
Manon Gardner
Leadership Advisor & Coach
Audrey Hensen
Leadership Advisor & Coach
Jane Phillips-Long 
Leadership Advisor & Coach
Kelly Rizzo
Leadership Advisor & Coach

Our Values


We believe that often, there is more than one right answer. Because we celebrate  the breadth of  possibilities, we celebrate learners who are willing to experiment, fail, learn and grow. We believe that many answers will lead us to better answers that help us build a better future.


We are a community that is built on insights and learning. We share our thinking with radical candour because it is the feedback and reflection that we need to make each of us better. We depend on each other – as partners, problem solvers and collaborators – to share our thinking. We support each other by questioning underlying assumptions, sparking creativity and collaborating together to create new possibilities.


Play gives us space and courage to know that things rarely go right the first time. Playing helps problem solvers to try, reflect and iterate. We play to learn…and sometimes we’re just playful. We believe that playing with Integrative Thinking tools, then reflecting on that experience, will create conditions for deeper learning and better problem solving.


Community is foundational to learning. Alone, we’re constrained by our own experiences and singular perspective. In community, we build our critical consciousness and take action to prove that another world is possible. We engage in anti-racist, anti-oppressive community building with love, action and joy. Read our Building Community Statement that guides our choices here.

Board of Directors

Roger Martin
Nathaniel Lipkus
Elizabeth (Liz) A. O’Neil Meurehg 

I-Think is an education charity that believes a better world depends upon equipping young people with the skills and confidence to drive change.

Copyright © I-Think Together 2023  Privacy Policy  •  Terms of Use

Registered Canadian Charitable Organization number: 74310-5512 RR0001

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