Thanks for your interest in learning with I-Think, please see our upcoming opportunities below. Don’t see what you need? Reach out!
Artificial Intelligence Spring 2025

Join thousands of students to actively participate in shaping AI’s impact on their lives.
Students are coming of age in an era heavily influenced by artificial intelligence, with technologies such as ChatGPT, customized advertisements and photo-altering apps. Early indicators show that AI reflects concerning tendencies seen in society, including biases and the propagation of inaccurate information. If left unaddressed, the unbridled advancement of AI threatens human dignity and risks perpetuating existing oppressive systems.
In a landscape where AI is the standard for young people today and likely in the foreseeable future, how can they actively participate in shaping its impact on their lives?
Registration is now open.
Spring 2025

Join thousands of students in actively shaping their well-being and transforming their school communities.
Research is clear that well-being is critical for learning. It’s what we want and are striving for every day. Well-being is a big and complicated topic because everyone’s idea of being well is a little bit different. We’re also living in a time where technology like Artificial Intelligence, social media and climate change are overwhelming.
By learning about these ideas and trying them out, students will apply their learning to their school community and take actions for their collective wellness.
Registration is now open.
Printemps 2025

Rejoignez des milliers d’élèves pour façonner activement leur bien-être et transformer leurs communautés scolaires
Les recherches montrent clairement que le bien-être est essentiel à l’apprentissage. C’est ce que nous voulons et ce que nous nous efforçons d’atteindre tous les jours. Le bien-être est un sujet vaste et complexe, car l’idée que chacun se fait du bien-être est légèrement différente. Nous vivons également à une époque où les technologies telles que l’intelligence artificielle, les médias sociaux et le changement climatique nous submergent.
En découvrant ces idées et en les mettant en pratique, les élèves appliqueront ce qu’ils ont appris à leur communauté scolaire et agiront pour leur bien-être collectif.
Les inscriptions sont ouvertes.
AfroFuturism 2024-2025

Join hundreds of students to explore African Heritage Month and beyond!
Every year around the world and in our classrooms we observe African Heritage Month also known as Black History Month. During the month of February we too often only talk about the past, and often historical stories rooted in trauma. Some folks also celebrate Black Futures Month, shifting the narrative into how to celebrate our present and invest in Black futures. It’s important to remember, and for many to experience, that African and Black history is about more than just slavery and tough times.
This Challenge Kit is our first to explicitly use art as a way of exploring! Students will leverage Afrofuturism to do so.
Applications are now closed.
AI Readiness

A Critical Thinking Approach to Exploring the Future
I-Think takes a unique approach to exploring the messy, real-world problems we face – like what AI will mean to us and our future. AI is not a technology that we can just understand conceptually – we need educators and leaders to both learn about it, and to wrestle with the ethics and challenges it brings to the classroom.
I-Think About

Unlock the Potential Of Your School Community Through Your Leadership
This 45-minute virtual session is designed specifically for education leaders who are passionate about creating positive, engaging learning environments. Learn from your peers who are navigating how to successfully implement the structures and strategies that boost morale, increase student engagement, and foster a culture of high expectations.