101 Series

Welcome to I-Think’s Integrative Thinking Level 1 Courses – tools to tackle real-world problem solving.

These asynchronous courses guide you through the creative problem solving methodology of Integrative Thinking and the toolkit that supports student thinking. When combined with real-world problem solving, Integrative Thinking and its tools activate authentic learning experiences that make critical thinking, collaboration and creativity core to learning. 

This series is for those new to Integrative Thinking, who want a deeper dive or a refresher to its toolbox.
The series has two courses (so far!) that build on each other and can be experienced as standalone learning. At the end of each course, you are qualified to receive 1:1 coaching from an I-Think Mentor to bring the tools of Integrative Thinking to life in your classroom or school.

If you are interested in a different learning experience please reach out to us. 


Integrative Thinking 101

Learning Mode: AsynchronousFee: $49 (Please contact us for an invoice option) Integrative Thinking 101 Course This course is designed to introduce you to the framework and tools of Integrative Thinking that have deeply changed educator practice and the learning experience of students. It includes an introduction to the three tools in the Integrative Thinking toolbox: Causal…

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Ladder of Inference 101

This course is designed to introduce you to the framework and tools of Integrative Thinking that have deeply changed educator practice and the learning experience of students. 
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Integrative Thinking Tools

Problem solvers use the Integrative Thinking toolbox to make sense of tensions and reframe problems in a new light. These tools provide the structure and pathways for ideation, guiding thinkers toward fresh outcomes.

There is no sure-fire recipe for solving tensions between opposing ideas or models, even less so when your task is to solve a real and wicked problem. A flexible toolbox allows us to unlock many remarkable possibilities.


I-Think is an education charity that believes a better world depends upon equipping young people with the skills and confidence to drive change.

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Registered Canadian Charitable Organization number: 74310-5512 RR0001

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