Summer Opportunities For Teachers

Psst! Summer 2024 is for lounging and learning. Get the edge on next school year through the Real-World Problem Solving Institute and Mini Challenge Kits.

Dive into Real-World Problem Solving and hands-on learning that will have you recharged and ready to wow your students in the fall!

Remembrance Day Challenge Kits – For Partners & Funders

What if every student across Canada cared deeply about Remembrance Day?
Help every school do just that!

Who is I-Think?

I-Think is an education charity that believes a better world depends upon young people taking part in real-world problem solving, and equipping them with the skills and confidence to continue driving change.

What is a Challenge Kit?

Challenge Kits include a real-world problem for students to work through + a real-world partner who is interested in hearing from young people + tools to enable to problem solving process.

Remembrance Day Challenge Kit

Real-World Problem

How might we help our school design Remembrance Day to be meaningful to our school community?

Real-World Partner

Veterans, active military, historians, Veterans Affairs Canada, and more. 

Tools To Enable The Problem Solving Process

Some custom tools for this specific kit include video interviews from diverse folks within the military, a live speaker series, and a video collaboration with a historian and museum. 

Check out our Remembrance Day sample Challenge Kit to learn more.  

Our goal


…Big goal, one that is worth having and driving towards. Tough goals can’t be reached alone, at I-Think we know the power of community and different perspectives. 

If you are interested in helping us reach this goal we would love to hear from you, whether it be networking, funding, sponsorship, or lending your voice to our resources for students to hear your story, let us know. How do you remember?

I-Think Remembrance Day Challenge Kits Pilot (2022)

In Fall 2022, with the support of Veterans Affairs Canada, we piloted the (Re)member Challenge Kits across 6 schools in Ontario. 

The most challenging and entrenched problems we face start with a tension – where neither model completely meets our needs. Each tension of our Remembrance Day Kits was designed to:

  • Expand the experiences we honour and remember in our Remembrance Day traditions
  • Deepen learning that adds complexity to those experiences
  • Be historically accurate in our remembering, and disrupt the places where we are not


Hear from Jamea Zuberi, Vice Principal with the Toronto District School Board, about the impact of the Remembrance Day Challenge Kit on the Market Lane Junior and Senior School community.

I-Think Remembrance Day Expansion

High engagement and interest from students, schools and community members allowed us to launch the 2023 Expansion of the Remembrance Day Challenge Kit.


We launched the challenge by welcoming students and sharing more about why this challenge matters. We were joined by guest speakers Jaxon Heckkenberg and Spencer Alexander who shared their perspectives as student- and adult-historians of war and remembrance. Take a look to learn more about why it’s important that students participate in making Remembrance Day meaningful.

I-Think is an education charity that believes a better world depends upon equipping young people with the skills and confidence to drive change.

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Registered Canadian Charitable Organization number: 74310-5512 RR0001

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