Climate Action Challenge Kits – For Educators

What is a Challenge Kit?

Challenge Kit

Real-World Problem

Real-World Partner

Tools To Enable The Problem Solving Process

for both students and educators, while also being integrated into curriculum

The Canadian Government is investing in the 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan that enforces shifts and changes across many industries, but there is no direct connection to the education system that demystifies or provides relevant context for educators and students to build understanding and engagement. We ask: how might we make every school nurture a passion for environmental stewardship?

Climate change is undeniable, yet what most people don’t recognize is that climate catastrophe is not inevitable – there are technical solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, to build carbon-neutral buildings, to ensure that we not only reduce our climate impact but raise the bar to make our planet healthier.

Our Climate Action Challenge Kits are action-oriented because without action, there is no change and we leave the next generation with anxiety, anger, dismay and frustration. Instead, students are empowered through  deep learning and engagement on climate change and decarbonization, inspiring student-led environmental stewardship and action at local and global scales.

Environmentally Stable Malls

In Spring 2023, I-Think developed and piloted the first iteration of the I-Think and TDSB Climate Action Challenge Kit in two Toronto DSB classrooms and the partnership of a local mall. Their challenge question was: How might we help mall property teams be more environmentally sustainable?

Malls were originally designed to sell stuff. Because of this, they are an intersection of systems that produce too much carbon for a healthy planet. Property teams are trying to do as much as they can within the spaces where they have control This includes limiting how much waste is generated, how much carbon is produced and how much energy and water is used. They want to create a space that supports health and well-being, incorporating biodiversity and ecosystem health.

Young voices around the world have been pivotal in protecting our planet for our collective futures and generations to come, give your students the power of developing a love for the planet by taking environmental stewardship action through Climate Action Challenge Kits.

If you want your students to work through a Climate Action Challenge Kit contact us to let us know.

I-Think is an education charity that believes a better world depends upon equipping young people with the skills and confidence to drive change.

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Registered Canadian Charitable Organization number: 74310-5512 RR0001

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