2022 Remembrance Day Challnge Kit at Tiger Jeet Singh Public School

In 2022 Tiger Jeet Singh Public School took part in our Remembrance Day Challenge Kit pilot tackling the question, How might we help Tiger Jeet Singh design Remembrance Day to be meaningful to our school community?

Grade 7 students in Michael Primerano’s class at at Tiger Jeet Singh Public School in the Halton DSB designed and facilitated 3 meaningful Remembrance Day ceremonies at grade-appropriate levels on November 11th, 2022.  

Inspired by empathy building activities and tools embedded in I-Think’s Remembrance Day Challenge Kit, students had two insights as they designed this years’ ceremonies:

Remembrance Day, and themes of war, conflict and peace are complex. For Remembrance Day and its connected themes to be meaningful to students in their school community, knowledge building needs to be grade-appropriate. 

The practice and traditions of Remembrance Day have been disrupted by the pandemic. This year, would be the first time students from kindergarten to grade 3 experience a Remembrance Day – and 3 years since other students in the school participated.

Michael Primerano, is a veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces but also a teacher at Tiger Jeet Singh Public School in the Halton DSB.  The Remembrance Day Challenge Kit helped him do something he’s struggled with for over a decade: creating truly meaningful Remembrance Day connections for others so that we never forget. 

Student Thinking and Innovations

From their real-world problem solving journey, 6 innovative recommendations for the school community emerged. Some were implemented and reflected in this years’ Remembrance Day ceremony designed by Primerano’s class, others will be implemented next year, and some challenge the notion that traditions of Remembrance Day should be confined to one day – they span a year-long commitment to knowledge and empathy building about Remembrance Day and themes of war, conflict and peace.

Check out 4 out of 6 recommendations below 

Tiger Jeet Singh also took part in the Remembrance Day Challenge in 2023, story will be available in 2024. 

I-Think is an education charity that believes a better world depends upon equipping young people with the skills and confidence to drive change.

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